1. (verb) (-tia) to insult, put down, make jibes, slight.
Synonyms: whakatīkai
2. (noun) insult, jibe, put-down, slight, aspersion.
Kei te nui te mihi a ētahi o tātou ki ngā kupu hou e kitea atu nei e mātou o te Taura Whiri. Heoi anō, i tō te Māori anō āhua, kei te taha o ngā mihi ko te aniani, ko te tīkai a ētahi (HM 4/1992:1). / There is lots of praise by some of us for the new words that we of the Māori Language Commission have discovered. However, as is the Māori nature, along with the praise there are criticisms and jibes by others.
Synonyms: whakatīkai, whakaparanga
3. (noun) disrespect, presumption, irreverence, impertinence, discourtesy, cheek.
Tō tīkai ki te kanga i tō ariki (W 1971:417). / How disrespectful you are in cursing your paramount chief.
Synonyms: whakatīkai