1. (verb) (-tia) to threaten, make threats, bully.
Nō te tau 1951 i whakarauika haeretia e ia te tangata, whakawetiwetitia hoki e ia te Poari Whenua Māori o te Rohe o Aotea ki te whakatū whare ki Rātana Pā kē, tē whakatū whare noa ai ki Whanganui (TTR 2000:177). / In 1951 she brought people together and bullied the Aotea District Māori Land Board into erecting houses at Rātana Pā rather than in the town of Whanganui.
See also whakaweti
Synonyms: kapatau
2. (modifier) bullying, threatening, intimidating.
Ka haongia a Kaiapoi me Ōnawe pā i Akaroa, ka kōrero whakawetiweti a Te Rauparaha ki te raupatu i te katoa o Te Waipounamu (TTR 1990:135). / After the capture of Kaiapoi and of Ōnawe pā at Akaroa, Te Rauparaha threatened to conquer the entire South Island.
3. (noun) threat, intimidation.
Ko te whai o tēnei nēhi kia ora mai tēnei wahine i runga i tōna mate kino, mā te whakarite hoki i ngā tohutohu mai a te tākuta, ahakoa noho tēnei nēhi i roto i te kino, kāore ana whakawetiweti. Ko te mea nui kai a ia ko te aroha ki tēnei wahine (TPH 5/1/1903:4). / This nurse did her best to save this woman, who was seriously ill. She followed the instructions of the doctor and despite the danger to this nurse she was not intimidated. The main thing to her was the concern for this woman.