1. (verb) to express an intention, threaten, make threats.
I te tau 1843, ka toko ake te whakaaro i a Paratene Tūrangi kua kapatau tētahi tangata o Reporua ki te mākutu i tētahi o ōna whanaunga (TTR 1990:111). / In 1843 Paratene Tūrangi thought that a person at Reporua had threatened to use witchcraft against one of his relatives.
Synonyms: whakawetiweti
2. (noun) threat, threatening remark, intimidatory remark.
Ka whakawhiua a Te Keepa mō tana kapatau, ka panaia i tana tūranga āteha, engari nō te tau o muri mai ka tū anō hei āteha (TTR 1990:272). / Te Keepa was punishment for his threat and was sacked from his office as assessor, but in the following year he was reappointed.