1. (verb) to be raised up.
Tūperepere kau ana ngā wai o Te Whanga-nui-a-Tara, engari ia koe, e Matu, nei rā tō waka kua marewa ki ngā wai tokitoki, ki ngā hau tāhengihengi, ki te āio mōwai rokiroki (HM 2/1993). / The waters of Wellington Harbour are boisterous, but you, Matu, there is your conveyance raised up to the calm waters, to the soft breezes, and serenity.
2. (verb) to rise (especially heavenly bodies).
Te whetu marama o te ata ka marewa i te pae (HKW 1/1/1902:6). / The bright star of the morning rises on the horizon.
3. (verb) to set off, depart.
Te 12 o Pēpuere ka marewa atu rātou i Te Motutapu-a-Tinirau, ka hoe whaka-te-Rotoiti (TMT 15/10/1861:7). / On 12 February they set off from Te Motutapu-a-Tinirau and paddled towards Rotoiti.
Synonyms: rewa