1. (verb) (-tia) to be elevated, raised up, encouraged, fostered, promoted.
Ko ēnei momo kaupapa ahu whenua nā te Tari Māori tonu i tairanga, whakahauhau hoki i te mahi whakatōpū i ngā whenua kia noho poraka kotahi ai (TTR 1996:227). / These types of farming schemes, which were fostered by the Native Department, encouraged the consolidation of land into single blocks.
2. (modifier) elevated.
Ka whakamau ki tētehi wāhi tairanga ake i te wai (NIT 1995:201). / He went straight to a place elevated above the water.
3. (noun) elevation.
Ko ngā whare hou katoa ināianei kia kaua e heke iho i te ono inihi te tairanga ake i te whenua (TPH 18/1/1904:2). / For all new houses now the elevation above the ground should not be less than six inches.