1. (noun) lower end, bottom.
I mua i te hūnga i tū tō mātou wharenui i te kōtore tonu o te maunga (PK 2008:341). / Before the eruption our meeting house stood right at the bottom of the mountain.
Synonyms: remu
2. (noun) tail (of a bird), tail feather.
He kōtore huia kei te māhunga, he kuru kahurangi kei te taringa (KO 15/2/1883:3). / Huia tail feathers on the head and a precious greenstone ornament at the ear.
3. (noun) buttocks, anus.
I werohia tōna kōtore i a ia e noho ana i te paepae hamuti (Te Ara 2015). / He was speared in the anus while he was sitting on the latrine.
4. (noun) red sea anemone, Actinia tenebrosa - the most common species of sea anemone found in the waters of eastern Australia and Aotearoa/New Zealand. Found relatively high on the seashore, in rock pools, and various cracks and shaded surfaces in the intertidal zone. Deep red or reddish-brown colour and when expanded has a circle of numerous pink tentacles.
See also kōtoretore
Synonyms: kōtoretore, kōtore moana, tou, toretore