1. (modifier) inverted, turned right round, inside out, upside down.
I roto i tētahi nūpepa i Ākarana, i pai rawa ana tuhituhinga i mua atu nei, i puta nui te whakapai o te tini ki taua nūpepa, i nāianei kua huri, kua huri kōaro tōna koti, ā, kua āhua hauwarea noa iho (KA 1/1/1861:11). / In an Auckland newspaper his writings used to be of quality and many praised that newspaper, but now it has changed, it's the reverse and is quite inconsequential.
2. (noun) inverse (maths).
Arā noa atu ngā momo kōaro i roto i te pāngarau. Katoa ēnei kōaro, he huripoki i tētahi āhuatanga. Ko te tangohanga te kōaro o te tāpiritanga. Ko te huri whakatemauī te kōaro o te huri whakatematau (TRP 2010:151). / There are many types of inverse in mathematics. All the inverses are about changing something to the opposite, or turning it upside down. Subtraction is the inverse of addition. Turning left is the inverse of turning right (TRP 2010:151).
3. (noun) prejudice.
I whakamātau anō hoki a ia ki te whakakore atu i ngā mataku me ngā kōaro o te hunga noa mō te āhua o te mate hinengaro (TTR 2000:123). / She also attempted to dispel public fears and prejudices about mental illness.
Synonyms: whakatoihara, ngākaukino, whakahāweatanga, whakatakētanga
4. (noun) kōaro, Galaxias brevipinnis, whitebait - a small spotted freshwater fish dark greenish-brown to grey-brown in colour. The juvenile form is one of the five species called whitebait. Widespread throughout Aotearoa/New Zealand in clear, fast-flowing, cobble to boulder streams and rivers with forest cover.