2. (modifier) not disposed towards, unfavourably disposed towards, biased, prejudiced, viciously disposed.
E tika rawa ana kia whakawākia i roto i te Kōti Whakawā aua tū tāngata ngākaukino (TWMNT 22/5/1977:128). / It would be quite proper to take proceedings in the Resident Magistrate's Court against any such viciously disposed individuals.
Synonyms: whakatoihara
3. (noun) bad heart, bias against, ill-treatment, guilty intent, prejudice, intolerance, bigotry, malevolence.
He kupu ēnei nā Pāpaka mō te ngākaukino o āna mātua ki a ia (NIT 1995:291). / These were words by Pāpaka referring to his uncles' ill-treatment of himself.
Synonyms: kaikino, hīanga, whakatoihara, whakahāweatanga, whakatakētanga, kōaro