2. (modifier) dilapidated, rundown, derelict, ramshackled, shabby, scruffy, tattered, grungy.
Mēnā e whakaeke mai ana tētahi ope ki runga i te marae, ki te pai ngā kākahu, e tohu ana tērā i te whakaaro rangatira o taua hunga me tana haramai ki te marae, mēnā he kākahu karukaru noa iho nei ō te tangata, he tohu whakaiti kē tērā e whakaata kē mai ana i te whakaaro huna o te tangata rā e mea ana, he kaupapa hauarea noa iho tēnei (Rewi 2005:93). / If a group is coming onto the marae and if the clothes are smart, that indicates that that group is respectful in its visit to the marae, but if a person just has shabby clothes that is a sign showing disrespect and the hidden message that the person is saying is that this is a matter of trifling importance.
Synonyms: tātarahake, pōrohe
3. (noun) rag, tattered garment, bandage.
Me patu katoa atu ngā kiore, i roto i ngā whare, i ngā kāuta, i ngā pātaka, kaua rawa e taea atu e te kiore ngā kai, me tahutahu ngā karukaru ki te ahi, ā, me horoi ngā pūeru kia mā (TPH 30/6/1900:3). / All rats should be killed, in the houses, cooking sheds, storehouses, and do not let rats near food, rags should be burnt in the fire and clothes must be washed clean.
Synonyms: takai, tākaikai, tākai, mara kaka mā, ngetangeta, ruwha, tawhetawhe, mara, tāweru, petapeta, ruha