1. (verb) to be barren, infertile, not producing young.
Nā kāhore ā rāua tamariki, he pākoko hoki a Erihāpeti, ā i taua wā kua maha haere rawa ngā rā o tētahi, o tētahi (PT Ruka 1:7). / And they had no child, because that Elisabeth was barren; and they both were now well stricken in years.
Synonyms: pūtutu, pākira, matapā, pukupā, tūpā, mūhore, wharepā, kikokore, tītōhea, rake
2. (modifier) barren, infertile.
Nā te mea he rangatira ia, he tohunga hoki ki te whakawhānau tamariki, i tonoa tonutia mai ko ia ki te whakaora i te hunga pākoko (TTR 1998:170). / Because she was of noble birth and an expert midwife, she was continually called on to cure infertile people.
3. (noun) barrenness, infertility.
E ai ki ngā kōrero, ka taea e te wai o taua puna te whakaora te māuiui, te pākoko me ngā ringa whati, waewae whati rānei (TTR 1996:194). / It is said that the waters of that spring could cure illness, infertility, broken arms or broken legs.