1. (verb) (-tia) to scrutinize, inspect, look intently, peek.
Ko te tangata i ahu mai nei tētahi wāhi o tōna mātauranga i te Pākehā he tangata e whakatōngātia, e haea, e whakatātaretia, e ngau tuarātia e ngā tāngata kūware (TKO 31/8/1920:5). / The person whose knowledge comes partly from the Pākehā is a person who is criticized, envied, scrutinized and subjected to backbiting by ignorant people.
Synonyms: matawai, whakatare, whakataretare, titiro whakatau, whakangeingei, whātare, karapa
2. (modifier) studying intently, looking intently.
Ka maha tēnei ngā tau i titiro whakatātare ai au ki ngā mahi a ngā tohunga, ā, kei te titiro whakatātare tonu (TKO 30/6/1921:5). / For many years I looked intently at the activities of the tohunga, and I am still studying them.
3. (noun) close scrutiny, intense observation, inspection.
Kua ngaro atu he tohunga, kua ara mai he tohunga, ā, kāhore anō kia kitea e au he rerenga kētanga nā konei ko wai te tangata e amuamu, e riri mō taku whakatātare (TKO 30/6/1921:5). / One tohunga disappears, another arises, and I haven't yet found any difference and so who is the person that will grumble and be angry about my close scrutiny.