2. (verb) (-a,-tia) to manipulate.
Ko ngā taura e rua o ngā rā kei te tangata e whakahaere ana ēnā taura, me ngā taura o raro o te rā, o te huapae o raro pērā anō. Kotahi anō te tangata māna e rāpoi, arā e pupuri, e whakahaere (JPS 1927:356). / The two ropes of the sail were manipulated by one man, also the ropes below the sail, of the lower cross member. Only one man manipulates them, that is he holds and operates them.
Synonyms: whawhe, whāwhā, raweke, rāwekeweke
3. (noun) swarm, cluster.
He rāpoi: Koia nei tētahi āhuatanga kōhure o te tuari o ētahi huinga raraunga. Mehemea ka noho whāiti mai ētahi raraunga maha ki te wāhi kotahi o te kauwhata, ka kīia he rāpoi tērā (TRP 2010:221). / A cluster: This is a distinctive feature of the distribution of some data sets. If a lot of the data sits together in the one place on a graph, this is said to be a cluster (TRP 2010:221).