2. (noun) string, cord, obligation, condition, limit, restriction.
Kāore ia i tono mai ki te Kaunihera kia whakaae atu kia wetekia katoatia ngā here e tau nei ki ngā whenua Māori (TPH 26/11/1905:2). / He did not ask the Council to agree to all the restrictions on Māori land being released.
Synonyms: tepe, tepenga, whakatina, kōpiri, tapu, apiapi, aukatinga, kawenga taumaha, utanga, herenga, tāpae toto, kawenga, takohanga, taumahatanga
3. (noun) legal restriction.
E inoi ana ia ināianei kia unuhia aua here kia āhei ai ia te haere i tōna whenua i runga i tana huarahi i pai ai ia (RT 2013:9). / He is pleading now that those legal restrictions be withdrawn so that he will be allowed to go wherever he likes on his land.