1. (verb) (-tia) to act in that way, like that - variation of pērā.
Ina i whērā katoa ngā iwi i kaha nei te ngaro o te reo arā kē noa atu te ora mai, ā, kua kore i kaha te pā mai o te mānakanaka, o te mānatunatu kei kore e ora ā kō tonu ake nei (HM 3/1997). / If all the tribes that were losing the language had done that it would have been saved long ago and the anxiety that it would not survive into the future would not have been so great.
Synonyms: whēnā, whēraka, pēnā, pēnaka, pērā, pēraka, whēnaka
2. (verb) (-tia) like that - unconnected to either the speaker or listener. If the comparison is completed, the second element is introduced by me.
Kātahi anō au ka rongo i te haruru whērā (HP 1991:126). / It was the first time I had heard a sound like that.
See also pērā