1. (verb) (-tia) like that - near or related to the person or people being spoken to. If the comparison is completed me is often used.
Ka mutu e mōhio tonu ana hoki koe i nunui ai aku taewa he kaha nōku ki te karakia ki a koe. Kāre i whēnā i Te Whā nei nā, hei ngā Hātarei ka haere kē ki te inu pia, haere kē ana ki te tāone (H 1992:83). / And you also know that my potatoes are large because I pray so hard to you. Not like Te Whā here who goes to drink beer and to town on Saturdays.
Ko ēnei tākata tokorua e whēnā anō me ia; arā, he pirika ana anō nō Kāi Tahu (JPS 1901:89). / These two men were like him, that is they were related to Ngāi Tahu.
See also pēnā
2. (verb) (-tia) to act in that way, in that way, like that - variation of pēnā.
3. if it were the case, if - variation of pēnā.
Nō tētehi rangi, ka pātaitia e tētehi manuhiri whēnā he ingoa Māori tuarua tōna; kātahi a Mākereti ka huri, ka kitea tonutia atu i te ngāwhā, i a Papakura e hū ana, ā, ka whakautu tonu atu, ko Papakura tōna ingoa, arā, ko Maggie Papakura (TTR 1996:120). / One day, when asked by a visitor if she had a Māori surname, Mākereti turned and saw the geyser which was called Papakura and immediately responded that her name was Papakura, that is Maggie Papakura'.
See also pēnā