1. (verb) (whakia,-na) to gather, pick, pluck (fruit, etc.).
Te hīmoemoe hoki o te āporo nei - kāore e kore i whakia matatia mai (PK 2008:112). / This apple is sour - no doubt it was picked green.
Synonyms: whakiwhaki
2. (modifier) picking, plucking, gathering, harvesting (by picking).
Ka oti tērā kātahi ka tango mai i ngā tāngata whawhaki, hei te wāhine hei te tamariki, ka whakatūria kia tokotoru, kia tokowhā rānei i tētahi taha, i tētahi taha o taua mea (TWMNT 7/3/76:52). / When that's completed the pickers, who are women and children, take it and three or four stand on each side of that thing.
3. (noun) picking, plucking, gathering, harvesting (by picking).
Kātahi ka tīmata te whawhaki i ngā puāwai (TWMNT 7/3/1876:52). / Then the picking of the flowers begins.