



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words

ao te pō, pō te ao

1. all the time, day and night, around the clock.

Ao te pō, pō te ao, heoi anō tāu he amuamu. / Day and night, all you do is moan.

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Pua Wānanga Ki Te Ao, Te

1. (noun) School of Māori and Pacific Development (The University of Waikato).

Pito Whakararo o te Ao, Te

1. (location) North Pole.

Pito Whakarunga o te Ao, Te

1. (location) South Pole.

I muri mai i tērā, arā i te tau 1909, ka whakaaturia e ia ki te ao tōna hiahia ki te rere tonu mā runga i tōna kaipuke ki Te Pito Whakarunga o te Ao (TP 3/1912:6). / After that, in 1909, he revealed to the world his desire to sail on his ship to the South Pole.

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te ao wairua

1. spiritual realm.

Ko te karakia tētahi ara e hono ai i a tātou ki te ao wairua. Karakia is one pathway that connects up to the spiritual realm. /

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te ao kikokiko

1. physical realm.

Ko te ao kikokiko te ao e noho nei te tangata. The physical realm is the world that we inhabit. /

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pō noa te ao

1. all the time, day and night, around the clock.

Kei te mahi koe, pō noa te ao. / You’re working all the time.

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ture o te ao

1. (loan) (noun) international law.

weheruatanga o te ao

1. (noun) equator.

Ko te weheruatanga o te ao tētahi rārangi huri āwhio i a Papatūānuku, i waenga pū i te tuakoi raki me te tuakoi tonga (RP 2009:438). / The equator is a line encircling the Earth midway between the northern and southern hemispheres.

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Ipu o te Ao

1. (noun) World Cup.

whakamahana o te ao

1. (noun) global warming.

tōpito o te ao

1. ends of the earth, other parts of the world.

Ko tētahi rōpū e mea ana kia hangaia he ture hei whakawhāiti i ngā huarahi tukutuku pata, tīhi hoki, ki ngā mākete o tāwāhi, hei whakahaere i te hokonga o aua kai, hei whakariterite i ngā tima hei hari atu i Nui Tīreni nei ki ngā tōpito o te ao (TTT 1/10/1923:10). / One group is saying that a law should be made to restrict the avenues to send butter and cheese to overseas markets, to organise the sale of those foods and to arrange the ships to transport them from New Zealand to other parts of the world.

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2. pole (North and South).

kua oti te ao

1. that says it all - an idiom.

Te Ao o Kiwa

1. (location) Oceania.

Taumāhekeheke o Te Ao

1. (noun) Olympic Games.

Ko 1992 pea te tau i tū ai Ngā Taumāhekeheke o Te Ao i Barcelona (HM 1/1999:5). / The year that the Olympic Games were held in Barcelona was probably 1992.

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tuakoi raki (o te ao)

1. (noun) northern hemisphere.

Hei te kaupeka o te kōanga heke ai te kūaka i te tuakoi raki, kia hui ki ngā whanga o te rohe o Muriwhenua (Te Ara 2015). / In spring godwits migrate from the northern hemisphere, gathering in the harbours of Muriwhenua territory.

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mahana haere o te ao

1. (noun) global warming.

Ka kaha kē ake te kati mahana i tēnei mahi a te tangata, ā, ka mahana haere te ao (RP 2009:247). / The greenhouse effect is exaggerated by this activity of man and causes global warming.

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tuakoi tonga (o te ao)

1. (noun) southern hemisphere.

Ko te porokapa he whakarōpūtanga rākau e mātua tupu ana ki te tuakoi tonga o te ao (RP 2009:329). / Podocarp is a classification of trees that grow predominantly in the southern hemisphere.

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Pakanga Tuarua o te Ao

1. Second World War.

(Te Kōhure Textbook (Ed. 2): 183-195; Te Kōhure Video Tapes (Ed. 1): 4;)

I a mātau i rāwāhi, i Ihipa, i te Pakanga Tuarua o te Ao, ka noho tō mātau ope ki Māti, e pātata atu ana ki Kairo (HP 1991:53). / When we were overseas, in Egypt, in the Second World War, our company lived at Maadi, close to Cairo.

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Pakanga Tuatahi o te Ao

1. (noun) First World War.

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