Pito Whakararo o te Ao, Te
1. (location) North Pole.
Synonyms: Tōpito Whakararo, Pito Raki, Te, Nōta Pōra
Pito Whakarunga o te Ao, Te
1. (location) South Pole.
I muri mai i tērā, arā i te tau 1909, ka whakaaturia e ia ki te ao tōna hiahia ki te rere tonu mā runga i tōna kaipuke ki Te Pito Whakarunga o te Ao (TP 3/1912:6). / After that, in 1909, he revealed to the world his desire to sail on his ship to the South Pole.
tōpito o te ao
1. ends of the earth, other parts of the world.
Ko tētahi rōpū e mea ana kia hangaia he ture hei whakawhāiti i ngā huarahi tukutuku pata, tīhi hoki, ki ngā mākete o tāwāhi, hei whakahaere i te hokonga o aua kai, hei whakariterite i ngā tima hei hari atu i Nui Tīreni nei ki ngā tōpito o te ao (TTT 1/10/1923:10). / One group is saying that a law should be made to restrict the avenues to send butter and cheese to overseas markets, to organise the sale of those foods and to arrange the ships to transport them from New Zealand to other parts of the world.
Pakanga Tuarua o te Ao
1. Second World War.
(Te Kōhure Textbook (Ed. 2): 183-195; Te Kōhure Video Tapes (Ed. 1): 4;)
I a mātau i rāwāhi, i Ihipa, i te Pakanga Tuarua o te Ao, ka noho tō mātau ope ki Māti, e pātata atu ana ki Kairo (HP 1991:53). / When we were overseas, in Egypt, in the Second World War, our company lived at Maadi, close to Cairo.