1. (noun) Australasian gannet, Morus serrator - a white seabird with a buff-yellow head and mainly black flight feathers, breeding in colonies on islands and headlands. Feeds on fish and squid caught by spectacular dives from a height.
(Te Pihinga Study Guide (Ed. 1): 5-6;)
Ka kite ana rātou i ngā manu pērā i te tākapu, te tara me te ōi, ka mōhio rātou kei te tata rātou ki te whenua (Te Ara 2013). / When they saw birds such as gannets, terns and petrels they knew they were close to land.
Synonyms: tākupu
1. (verb) to be corpulent, plump, stout, portly, rotund, burly, tubby.
Ka kōkau te tipu, ka rahirahi, ka ngāwari te waitohu o tēnā wahine hapū. Ka takapū te tipu o te wahine, ka whakahara, ka uaua anō tēnā āhua wahine ki te waitohu (JPS 1929:262). / If of slim, lean build then the signs of such a pregnant woman are easily noted. If the woman's build is stout and corpulent then again it is difficult to judge.
Synonyms: whakahara, wheti, pukunati, kunekune, kune, māretireti
2. (noun) abdomen, belly.
Ka matika a Tia, ka tohu ki te takiwā o Rangiuru, ka tapa ki te takapū o tana tama a Tapuika (Te Ara 2013). / Tia rose up and pointed to the area of Rangiuru naming it the abdomen of his son Tapuika.
3. (noun) calf (of the leg), calf muscle.
Kei muri te takapū i te waewae i waenganui i te turi me te rekereke. / The calf is at the back of the leg between the knee and the heel.
See also tupehau