



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (noun) air freshner.


1. (verb) (-tia) to bid welcome, wave to, beckon, fan (a fire).

Tāwhiritia te ope rā kia haere mai (W 1971:408). / Signal to that group to come here.

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See also tāhiri

2. (verb) (-tia) to fan (a fire).

Ka whakakāngia, ka tāwhiritia, ā ka tahuna te umu (W 1971:409). / The oven was lit, fanned and then burned.

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3. (verb) (-a) to whirl round.

Ko tōna hiawero, ānō he hīta e tāwhiria ana e ia (PT Hopa 40:17). / He moveth his tail like a cedar.

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4. (modifier) welcoming.

Whakarāmemene mai ana, kuhu mai ana i Te Kōhao o te Ngira te tira a te Taura Whiri i runga i te kōnga o te reo tāwhiri o Ngāti Wairere (HM 4/1994:1). / The travelling party of Te Taura Whiri gathered and entered Te Kōhao o te Ngira when the welcoming call of Ngāti Wairere went out.

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5. (noun) call of welcome.

Kātahi ka haere, ka tata, ka pā te tāwhiri a te pā, “Haere mai rā e te manuhiri tūārangi, nā taku pōtiki koe i tiki atu ki tāhapatū o te rangi, kukume mai ai ē ī!” (JPS 1893:214). / Then the welcome call of the people in the pā was heard, “Welcome, visitor from afar, my youngest child sought you on the distant horizon and drew thee hither!”

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6. (noun) kōhūhū, rautāhiri, Pittosporum tenuifolium - small branches were broken off to wave welcome to approaching visitors.

tāwhiri karo

1. (noun) tāwhiri karo, Pittosporum cornifolium - shrub to 2 m tall, usually an epiphyte. Branchlets reddish, slender, drooping, petals pinkish orange, long and narrow.

See also wharewhareatua

Synonyms: wharewhareatua


1. (personal name) atua of the winds, clouds, rain, hail, snow and storms, he was also known as Tāwhiri-rangi and Tāwhiri-mate-a-Rangi and was one of the offspring of Rangi-nui and Papa-tū-ā-nuku who did not want his parents separated.

(Te Māhuri Study Guide (Ed. 1): 40-42;)

Ko te māoritanga o ngā ingoa o ēnei tamariki a Rangi rāua ko Papa: Ko Tangaroa, he ika; ko Rongo-mā-tāne, ko te kūmara; ko Haumia-tiketike, ko te aruhe; ko Tāne-mahuta, ko te rākau, ko te manu; ko Tāwhiri-mātea, ko te hau; ko Tū-mata-uenga, ko te tangata (KO 16/9/1886:6). / The explanation of the names of these children of Rangi and Papa is: Tangaroa is fish; Rongo-mā-tāne is kūmara; Haumia-tiketike is fernroot; Tāne-mahuta is trees and birds; Tāwhiri-mātea is wind; Tū-mata-uenga is humans.

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See also atua, Tāwhiri-rangi


1. (personal name) atua of the winds, clouds, rain, hail, snow and storms - another name for Tāwhiri-mātea.

kua puhipuhi te tero o Tāwhiri

1. livid with rage, foaming at the mouth, livid, fuming, outraged - an idiom to express extreme anger.

Māhita: (E hāmama an) E kī, e kī he mōhio ake koutou i a au! Tamaiti 1: (E kōhumuhumu ana) He aha tana mate? E riri ana? Tamaiti 2: (E kōhumuhumu ana) Āe rā, kua puhipuhi te tero o Tāwhiri! (HKKT 2011:19). / Teacher: (Shouting) You don't say, you know more than me! Child 1: (Whispering) What's his problem? Is he angry? Child 2: (Whispering) Yes, he's livid with rage!

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Synonyms: pukuriri, wheke, puku te rae, puku o [te] rae, takariri, riri, whakatakariri, tūpehupehu

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