



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (loan) (noun) pig, swine, hog.

He nui ngā poaka, ā i riro i te hoko aua kurī katoa (TW 12/8/1876:1). / There are many pigs and all those animals have been sold.

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2. (loan) (noun) pork.

Kāore te Hūrai e whakaaetia ana kia kai i te poaka. / Jews aren’t permitted to eat pork.

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Synonyms: mīti poaka


1. (noun) pied stilt, Himantopus himantopus leucocephalus - a black-and-white wader with very long pinkish-red legs and a long, fine, black bill. Usually found in flocks.

(Te Pihinga Study Guide (Ed. 1): 1;)

2. (noun) black stilt, Himantopus novaezelandiae - a rare native stilt. Adult bird is entirely black with long pinkish-red legs and a very fine black bill.

See also kakī


1. (noun) Rigel - the seventh brightest star in the sky and seen above Tautoru (Orion's Belt) in the eastern sky in early morning. With some iwi Puanga heralded the beginning of the Māori year.

See also Puanga, Puangarua

Synonyms: Puangarua

punua poaka

1. (loan) (noun) piglet.

pahiko poaka

1. (loan) (noun) pigsty.

Synonyms: pākorokoro, pākoro

poaka whakapaoa

1. (loan) (noun) cured pork, ham, bacon.

Mō te poaka whakapaoa e 8 kapa me te hēpene mō te pauna (TW 29/7/1876:273). / It costs 8 and a halfpenny per pound for bacon.

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Synonyms: pēkana, wāmu

hinu poaka

1. (loan) (noun) lard.

Ka utua atu he hinu poaka ki runga i te ahi kia rewa, kia wera hoki (TAH 12:47). / Some lard was placed on the fire to melt and be heated.

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Synonyms: hinu

mīti poaka

1. (loan) (noun) pork.

Synonyms: poaka

rewharewha poaka

1. (loan) (noun) swine influenza, swine flu - a highly contagious virus infection causing fever, severe aching and catarrh.

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