1. (noun) fat, grease, lard, dripping, oil, petrol.
Homai te hinu ōriwa mō taku parāoa. / Pass the olive oil for my bread, please.
Synonyms: hinu poaka, noni, kōhinu, penehīni
2. (noun) game - e.g. pigeons, rats, etc. preserved in their own fat.
Mōrunga rawa ake te rā ka puta ngā iwi i pōhiritia rā; ana, me he tuarā wharau ki te waha mai i ngā ika tauraki kua maroke, i ngā hāpuku, i ngā mangō, i ngā tawatawa, i ngā maomao, i te tini noa iho o ngā kai o te moana, ngā mahinga a tērā iwi nui tonu, a Te Ngutuau, me ngā iwi o te ngahere, o ngā maunga, e mau mai ana i te hinu, me ērā atu kai (JPS 1911:21). / The sun was already high when the tribes who were invited appeared; they were like the thatched roof of a house carrying the dried fish, hāpuku, shark, mackerel, maomao, and all kinds of provision from the sea, which had been got ready by that great tribe, the Ngutuau, and the tribes of the forest and the mountains, who brought game and other kinds of food.