2. (noun) tattooing instrument - named after Mataora, who received his moko from Uetonga in the underworld, and brought the art back to earth.
2. (noun) life.
I te pueanga o te whenua i te wai, ka hora te mataora ki te ao (Te Ara 2015). / When the land emerged from water, life spread throughout the world.
3. (noun) life cycle.
E whā ngā whanaketanga i te mataora o te hīhue: ka tīmata i te hua, ka whanake ki te anuhe, ki te tūngoungou, tae rawa ki te hīhue (Te Ara 2015). / The four stages in the development of the life cycle of the convolvulus hawk moth are: beginning with the egg, then the caterpillar develops, then the chrysalis or pupa, and finally the convolvulus hawk moth.
whakaaturanga mataora
1. (noun) live performance, live stage production.
Ko te mahi a te pūkenga oro, he hopu, he rāwekeweke, he whakanikoniko, he whakaputa i te puoro. He wā anō, ko tāna mahi he whakarite, he whakahaere i ngā oro mō tētahi whakaaturanga mataora ki te atamira o te whare whakaari. Ko te āhua o ngā oro hei whakaū i te wairua o te whakaaturanga (RMR 2017). / The role of a sound engineer is to record, manipulate, embellish and reproduce music. Another role is in arranging and controlling the sound for a live stage production. The nature of the sound helps establish the mood of the production (RMR 2017).
1. (personal noun) seventh lunar month of the Māori year, approximately equivalent to January and traditionally used by Ngāti Kahungunu.
See also Kohitātea
Synonyms: whitu, Hakihea, Akaaka-nui, Whitu o Hakihea, Te