whakaaturanga mataora
1. (noun) live performance, live stage production.
Ko te mahi a te pūkenga oro, he hopu, he rāwekeweke, he whakanikoniko, he whakaputa i te puoro. He wā anō, ko tāna mahi he whakarite, he whakahaere i ngā oro mō tētahi whakaaturanga mataora ki te atamira o te whare whakaari. Ko te āhua o ngā oro hei whakaū i te wairua o te whakaaturanga (RMR 2017). / The role of a sound engineer is to record, manipulate, embellish and reproduce music. Another role is in arranging and controlling the sound for a live stage production. The nature of the sound helps establish the mood of the production (RMR 2017).