kanohi kitea
1. (verb) to have a physical presence, be seen, represent.
Kāti rā, nō te tau 1926 i pōtitia ia ki te kaunihera ā-rohe o Te Wairoa, hei kanohi mō te takiwā o Waiau. I aua rā, kāore e kanohi kitea ana te Māori i ēnei momo rōpū (TTR 1998:12). / Well, in 1926 he was elected to the Wairoa County Council to represent the Waiau Riding. In those days Māori were not represented in these types of organisations.
2. (noun) seen face, physical presence - a term to express the importance of meeting people face to face, and to also be a face that is known to and seen within a community and at important gatherings, such as tangihanga.
He tamaiti pai, he kanohi kitea i ngā tangihanga me ngā huihui (EM 2002:60). / He was a good boy, a face seen at tangihanga and gatherings.
3. (noun) raid, incursion - applied to a chief who raids the lands of another tribe. His face is seen where he has no business to be, at least in arms.