1. (stative) be abundant, copious.
He mōhio ia he pai ake te tau humi hei whakapakeke uri, nō reira ka tatari kia matomato rā anō te tupu o te kai, ā, hei reira tahuri ai ki te whakaipoipo (HM 4/1998:4). / She knows that a year of abundance is better to raise offspring, so she waits until the food is growing vigorously before turning to courtship.
Synonyms: ngāhorohoro, mahamaha, maha, makuru, ngahoro, ngerongero, hua, hāwere, rarawe, rari, pukahu, nui, hira, ranea, huhua
tau humi
1. (noun) year of abundance.
Mō te wāhi ki te whakaputa uri, kāore te kākāpō e mahi poka noa. He mōhio ia he pai ake te tau humi hei whakapakeke uri (HM 4/1998:4). / With regard to producing offspring, the kākāpō does not do it randomly. It knows that years of abundance are better to raise offspring.