1. (loan) (noun) cousin.
I kōwhiria a Hēnare rāua ko tana kaihana, ko Terei Ngātai mō te wāhanga Māori o te ope hōia o Aotearoa i haere ki te koroneihana o Kīngi Eruera Te Tuawhitu i te tau 1902 (TTR 1996:63). / Henare Kohere and his cousin Terei Ngātai were selected as members of the Māori section of the New Zealand contingent which attended the coronation of King Edward VII in 1902 (DNZB 1996 wh 266).
1. (noun) elder brothers (of a male), elder sisters (of a female), cousins (of the same gender from a more senior branch of the family).
Ko ngā tuākana ake o Tūmate Mahuta ko Te Rata, te Kīngi tuawhā, me Taipū, nō te tau 1924 tēnei i mate ai (TTR 1998:94). / Tūmate Mahuta's elder brothers were Te Rata, the fourth King, and Taipū, who died in 1924.
1. (noun) elder brother (of a male), elder sister (of a female), cousin (of the same gender from a more senior branch of the family), prefect.
Ka kite hoki taku tuakana i a au e tū ana i te taha o te huarahi i tō mātau kāinga, ka whakatū ia i ana hōiho, kia piki atu au ki runga i te rore, ka noho i tōna taha (HP 1991:22). / And when my elder brother saw me standing at the side of the road at our home he stopped his horses and I climbed onto the lorry and sat beside him.
Synonyms: piriwheke
1. (noun) brother (of a female), male cousin (of a female).
Nā tēnei ahau tō koutou tungāne, te tangata hoki nāna i hapahapai ō koutou ingoa whakahuahua ki ngā marae, tae noa ki roto ki te Pāremata o Te Kotahitanga (TJ 12/10/1899:12). / I, your brother and cousin, am the person who repeatedly raised your names on the marae, even in the Te Kotahitanga Movement's parliament.
1. (loan) (noun) brother, cousin.
Taku whakakitenga ki te Pākehā ko te wati, mea atu ana ahau nō tōku parata te wati, nō taku putanga ki waho i te whare herehere ka kite ahau i Tauteka, ā homai ana e ia ngā rohi ka kai mātau, ā ka haehae te paraikete tawhito (TKM 24/5/1849:2). / I showed the Europeans the watch, and said that it belonged to my brother. After I left the gaol, I saw Tauteka; he gave me some bread; we ate together, and tore up an old blanket.
1. (noun) distant relative, distant relation, distant cousin.
He epeepe tonu nei rāua, ā, i te wā e kōhungahunga tonu ana i puta ai te whakahau a wō rāua tūpuna tāne rā, kia taumautia rāua i runga anō i te tikanga o te tomo (TTR 2000:68-69). / They were distant cousins and when they were still quite young their grandfathers decreed that they be betrothed under the customary practice of betrothal.
1. (noun) relative, kin, relation, cousin, member of the same hapū, subscription.
Nō te wā ka tata ia te mate, ka whai kupu iho ia ki ōna huānga (TTT 1/6/1922:3). / When he was about to die he made a speech to his relations.
He tēpara mō ngā whanaunga, mō ngā huānga e āraia nei e te Karaipiture, e te ture hoki a te Hāhi kei mārena ki a rāua (Ma 1885:15). / A table for the relations, and the progeny forbidden to marry each other by the Scripture and by the law of the Church.
Synonyms: uri, whanaunga, ngare, pākanga, karawa, pānga, waiū
2. (noun) member (of a set), element (maths).
Ko te huānga te mea kotahi o roto i tētahi huinga. Arā pea, ko tētahi o ngā tau o roto i tētahi huinga tau, o tētahi āhua rānei o roto i tētahi huinga āhua (TRP 2010:126). / An element is one member out of a set. For example, one number from a set of numbers, or one shape from a set of shapes (TRP 2010:126).
1. (noun) younger brothers (of a male), younger sisters (of a female), cousins (of same gender from a more junior branch of the family).
Ki te whakaae ngā tāina me tō rātou tuahine me ō rātou mātua me ngā hapū, me ngā iwi o te whaea, o te pāpā rānei, ka noho ēnei karanga ki runga ki a Pape he ariki mātāmua ia nō ēnā hapū me ēnā uri (JPS 1909:90). / If his younger brothers, their sister, their parents, and the hapū and iwi of the mother or father consent, he is made first-born ariki of those hapū and descendants.
See also tēina