1. (noun) driving force, thing driven, driving away, momentum - derived from ā.
I tērā tau i mātakitaki tātau ki te ānga haeretanga a Tiamani i a Rūhia, me te mea nā anō kua pēpē te mana o Rūhia (TKO 15/8/1916:8). / Last year we watched Germany drive away Russia and it would seem the mana of Russia has been crushed.
Synonyms: torohaki
1. (verb) to face, move (in a certain direction), facing, pointed at.
Kāore i roa kua tae mai a Mōkena i te kaitiaki tatau i te mataku rā hoki i te waha o te pītara e anga atu ana ki a ia (TKO 6/1915:7). / It wasn't long before Morgan reached the doorman who was intimidated by the barrel of the pistol pointed at him.
2. (verb) to turn to, set about - followed by ki or ka.
Ka whāngainga ki te rau kōrari, nāwai ā, ka hurihia te wira e te ringa tangata, ka anga ka rakuraku ngā tara o taua mira, mea rawa ake, kua puta mai te muka i tua i ngā niho o taua mea (MM.TKM 31/1/1857:10). / It was fed with some flax leaves, and after a time when the wheel was turned by hand, the teeth of the mill began to scrape the flax, and soon the dressed flax was produced by the teeth.
3. (noun) skeleton, shell, husk, hard outer covering, aspect.
Ko te kaupapa o te haere ko te kohi tote, me te kohi anga mātaitai pērā i te tupa (HM 2/2009:10). / The purpose of the trip was to gather salt and sea shells such as the scallop.
Synonyms: angaanga, kota, tīwarawara, kōwhaki, kotakota
4. (noun) structure, framework, organisation.
He tuapa whakakatakata, whakakoakoa tana heri haere i a tātou i roto i ngā kōrero tuku iho ā-waha, i te whanaungatanga me te anga pāpori o tēnā, o tēnā ngare nui o ngā moutere o Te Moananui-a-Kiwa (TTR 1996:15). / It was a witty and light-hearted romp through the oral traditions, ethnology and social organisation of each of the major Pacific Island groups.
Synonyms: whakahaerenga, rōpū, tōpūtanga, whakahaere
1. (particle) A suffix used to make verbs into nouns, sometimes called derived nouns, and the usual ending for verbs that take the passive ending -ia. These nouns usually mean the place or the time of the verb's action.
Ka whakanohoia au ki runga i tētahi nohoanga e piri atu ana ki te mataaho kia pai ai taku titiro ki waho. / I was seated by the window so that I would have a good view.
anga tekau
1. (noun) tens frame (maths).
Arā anō tētahi rauemi matua mō te whakaako i te wāwāhi tau hei whakaoti tāpiritanga, tangihanga hoki. Ko te anga tekau tērā (TRP 2010:318). / There is another important resource for teaching decomposition to solve addition and subtraction. That is the tens frame.