2. (noun) (sport) outer field.
1. (noun) side, region, space, designated area, territory, domain.
Ka puta mai ngā mokopuna, noho tonu ana ko Huiatahi rāua ko Huihana hei kokoro, hei kuikui rānei, arā hei kaumātua mō te whaitua o Waitomo (TTR 1998:8). / When the grandchildren were born, Huiatahi and Huihana were recognised as the patriarch and matriarch of the Waitomo area.
whaitua autō
1. (noun) magnetic field.
Ka puta te hua autōhiko i te rere o te iahiko i tētahi pūkawe hiko, pērā i te waea. He whaitua autō ka hua ake (RP 2009:202). / The electromagnetic effect is produced by the flow of electric current in a conductor, such as a wire. A magnetic field is formed (RP 2009:202).
whaitua matanui
1. (noun) front of house (theatre).
Ko te whaitua matanui ngā wāhi o roto i tētahi whare rēhia e huaki ana ki te marea, pērā i te tomokanga, te whare whakarauika me ngā wharepaku (RMR 2017). / The front of house are the areas inside an entertainment venue that are open to the public, including the foyer, the auditorium and the toilets (RMR 2017).