



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (noun) pay.


1. (verb) (-a,-ngia) to repay, pay, respond, avenge, reply, answer.

Utua ai au e rima herengi i te wiki (HP 1991:26). / I was paid five shillings per week.

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Synonyms: whakahokihoki, whakautu, paremata, whakaea, urupare, whakahoki, hoatu, pei, kātoitoi, ō

2. (modifier) repaying, paying, responding, avenging, replying.

I waiatatia ai e Matangi-hauroa te waiata nei ki a Te Whatanui e whai ana kia oho te iwi o Te Whatanui kia haere ki te rapu utu mō te parekura (M 2004:298). / This song was sung by Matangi-hauroa to Te Whatanui with the object of rousing Te Whatanui's people to go and seek revenge for the defeat.

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Synonyms: whakautu

3. (noun) revenge, vengeance, retaliation, payback, retribution, cost, price, wage, fee, payment, salary, reciprocity - an important concept concerned with the maintenance of balance and harmony in relationships between individuals and groups and order within Māori society, whether through gift exchange or as a result of hostilities between groups. It is closely linked to mana and includes reciprocation of kind deeds as well as revenge. While particular actions required a response, it was not necessary to apply utu immediately. The general principles that underlie utu are the obligations that exist between individuals and groups. If social relations are disturbed, utu is a means of restoring balance. Gift exchange, a major component of utu, created reciprocal obligations on the parties involved and established permanent and personal relationships. Traditionally utu between individuals and groups tended to escalate. Just as feasts were likely to increase in grandeur as an exchange relationship developed over time, so could reciprocal acts of vengeance intensify. Utu was not necessarily applied to the author of the affront, but affected the whole group. Thus utu could be gained through a victory over a group where only the most tenuous of links connected the source of the affront with the target of the utu. Any deleterious external influence could weaken the psychological state of the individual or group, but utu could reassert control over the influences and restore self-esteem and social standing. Suicide could even reassert control by demonstrating that one had control over one's fate, and was a way of gaining utu against a spouse or relative where direct retaliation was not possible. Such indirect utu often featured within kin groups.

(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 48;)

He mea peita anō hoki e ia, ā he utu tika tāna utu i tono ai mō āna mahi (TW 28/8/1875:170). / They were also painted by him and the price he asked was right for his work.

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See also utu ā-hāora

Synonyms: utu kaimahi, whakakaitoa, uto, rautupu, utu ā-tau, utunga, moni utu, paremata, homaitanga, hoatutanga, tauutuutu, ngakinga, whakarite, ngaki, rautipu

4. (noun) compensation, recompense, reparation.

Ka taea anō te whakarite tētahi utu mehemea kua pā tētahi tino mate ki ngā tāngata tika ki te whenua (RT 2013:99). / Compensation can be arranged if a serious problem has affected the people who have rights to the land.

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Synonyms: whakaea, paremata, moni whakaea


1. (verb) (-hia) to fill (a vessel with liquid) dip, dip into (to fill with liquid).

Utuhia mai he wai ki te kāraha (W 1971:471). / Dip up some water with the wide-mouthed calabash.

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utu tōmua

1. (transitive verb) prepay.

2. (noun) prepayment.

utu whakamatuatanga

1. (noun) holiday pay.

utu tūturu

1. (noun) historical cost.

utu tāpui

1. (noun) (finance) allowance.

whakahekenga utu

1. (noun) discount.

Me mōhio te ākonga ki te whakanui, ki te whakaiti rānei i te rahinga o tētahi mea, i runga anō i te nui o tētahi ōrau kua whakaritea, pēnei i te whakapikinga utu taonga, i te whakahekenga utu taonga, i te tāke hokohoko rānei (Pa 1996:35). / The student should know how to increase or reduce the quantity of something according to a set percentage, such as the mark-up or discount on goods or GST.

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whakapikinga utu

1. (noun) mark-up, inflation.

Me mōhio te ākonga ki te whakanui, ki te whakaiti rānei i te rahinga o tētahi mea, i runga anō i te nui o tētahi ōrau kua whakaritea, pēnei i te whakapikinga utu taonga, i te whakahekenga utu taonga, i te tāke hokohoko rānei (Pa 1996:35). / The student should know how to increase or reduce the quantity of something according to a set percentage, such as the mark-up or discount on goods or GST.

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utu waenga

1. (noun) wholesale price.

Ka kīia ko te utu waenga te utu ka tukuna ki te kaihoko waenga (TRP 2010:305). / The price given to the wholesaler is called the wholesale price.

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utu whakaheke

1. (noun) discount price.

utu whakamutunga

1. (noun) retail price.

Ka hokona te taonga e te kirihoko, ka kīia ko te utu whakamutunga te utu ka tukuna e ia ki te kaihoko whakamutunga (TRP 2010:305). / When goods are bought by the purchaser, the payment she gives to the retailer is called the retail price.

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utu huamoni

1. (loan) (noun) interest (financial).

utu karere

1. (noun) postage.

Synonyms: pane kuīni, pōhi

utu tārewa

1. (noun) arrears, deferred payment.

E whā ngā whakaheinga o te moni, arā: i) ko te ara tauhoko, ii) ko ōna āhua anō mō te whakahaere kaute, iii) ko te pūmau o tōna uara, ā, iv) e taea te utu tārewa (HM 3/1992:4). / There are four functions of money, namely: i) medium of exchange, ii) unit of account, iii) store of value, and iv) deferred payment.

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utu whakahaere

1. (noun) administrative cost, administration cost, expenses, overhead (financial).

Ko ngā whenua ka tukua ki ngā poari kua oti te marohi ka riro tonu mā te kāwanatanga e whakahaere, ka pau ngā hua moni i ngā utu whakahaere a ngā poari, ka toe mai ko ngā ingoa anake i runga i te pepa a te hunga nō rātou te whenua (TTR 1994:53). / Land given up to the boards would effectively be controlled by the government, the boards' administration costs would swallow up the revenue, and all that would be left to the owners of the land would be their names on a piece of paper.

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utu whakauru

1. (noun) entrance fee, membership fee, enrolment fee.

Mēnā ehara koe i te kaiwhakaako kura tuatahi, kura tuarua, kotahi rau tāra te utu whakauru mai (HM 2/1996:5). / If you are not a primary school or secondary school teacher, the enrolment fee is one hundred dollars.

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utu whakawā

1. (noun) court costs.

utu piharau

1. (noun) lamprey weir.

Kīia ai te utu piharau e ngā iwi o Te Wai Pounamu ko te pā kanakana (Te Ara 2011). / Lamprey weirs were known as pā kanakana in the South Island.

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utu here

1. (noun) bail - money required as security against the temporary release of a prisoner pending trial.

I whakataua tana utu here kia rua rau tāra (Ngata 1993:26). / His bail was set at two hundred dollars.

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Synonyms: moni taurangi

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