



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (verb) single, individual.

Kāore a Te Rangitāke rātou ko te hunga whakahē ki te hoko i whakaae kia takitahi te tuku o ngā kerēme (TTR 1990:290). / Te Rangitāke and all those opposed to the sale did not agree that individual claims be made.

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Synonyms: kotahi, tapatahi, kōtahitahi, takakau, tahi, tōtahi

2. (modifier) singly, solo, individual.

Hau ana tōna rongo, ā, whāia haere tonutia ana ia hei kaiwaiata takitahi (TTR 1998:62). / Her reputation spread and she was continually sought after as a soloist.

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3. (noun) single person, single individual, singles.

Ko Ngāti Maniapoto anō tētahi i whakahē ki te wāwāhi o te whenua kia riro i te takitahi. / Ngāti Maniapoto was another tribe that opposed dividing up the land for individual title.

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wāhanga takitahi

1. (noun) cadenza.

Ko te wāhanga takitahi te wāhanga o tētahi puoro hei whakatangi takitahi mā tētahi ringapuoro, hei waiata takitahi rānei mā tētahi kaiwaiata (RTP 2015:119). / A cadenza is part of a piece of music which is played or sung as a solo (RTP 2015:119).

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Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi engari taku toa he toa takitini

1. My strength is not that of one but of many.

My strength is not that of one, but of many. /

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1. (particle) Prefix used with numbers from one to nine to mean 'multiplied by 10', especially if followed by takitahi (e.g. hokowhā takitahi = 40). However, if tōpū is added to the number instead of takitahi it doubles the number (e.g. hokowhā tōpū = 80). Often tōpū is omitted.

(Te Kōhure Textbook (Ed. 2): 160;)

Ka hokowhitu ngā pīhopa nunui kua huri ki te Katorika (TP 5/1911:11). / A hundred and forty senior bishops have converted to Catholicism.
Ka haere mai ngā rangatira o Ngā Puhi me Ngāti Whātua, ka tae mai ki Kāwhia, ka uru a Te Rauparaha, me Te Rako, me Te Pēhi, me ērā atu rangatira o Ngāti Toa, hokowhitu tōpū rātou. Ko Ngā Puhi kotahi rau tōpū (TP 3/1913:4). / When the chiefs of Ngā Puhi and Ngāti Whātua came and arrived at Kāwhia, Te Rauparaha, Te Rako, Te Pēhi and those other chiefs of Ngāti Toa joined them. They were a hundred and forty and Ngā Puhi were two hundred.

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See also hokowhitu

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