



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (loan) (modifier) monetary, financial, money, cash.

I maua atu e ia he pūtea moni i tōna ringa (PT Whakatauki 7:20). / He hath taken a bag of money with him.

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2. (loan) (noun) money, cash.

(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 48;)

He kai, he taonga rānei te koha i ngā wā o mua, engari, ko te moni kē i ēnei rā. / Food or gifts were koha in the past but these days it's money.

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Synonyms: herengi

kaitatau moni

1. (noun) bank teller.

moni tāpui

1. (loan) (noun) deposit, down payment.

Ko ngā moni tāpui he mea koha kē ki te pā o Rātana (TTR 1996:31). / The deposits were contributions to the upkeep of Rātana pā.

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moni whakauru

1. (loan) (noun) entrance or enrolment fee, subscription.

Mā te hēkeretari o ia peka e tuhi atu ia tau ki te kaitiaki moni o te Kotahitanga kia kotahi hereni hei moni whakauru mō ia mema o tōna peka ki te Kotahitanga (TP 3/9/1909:7). / The secretary of each branch will record in writing to the treasurer of the Kotahitanga on the one shilling subscription fee for each member of his branch.

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moni whiwhi

1. (noun) income, revenue, dividend.

Ka hoki mai anō rāua ki te kāinga, he mahi parakimete, mahi kāmura te mahi hei whakanui ake i ā rāua moni whiwhi (TTR 1998:23). / They returned home, working as blacksmiths and carpenters to supplement their income.

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Synonyms: reweniu

purei moni

1. (loan) (verb) to gamble, bet, have a flutter, punt, wager.

Synonyms: waka kōporo, peti, petipeti

2. (loan) (modifier) gambling, betting.

Hei whakamutu i ngā mahi purei moni me ngā whare purei, ā, hei whakahaere, hei whakakore rānei, i ngā whare tutū, me ngā rūma piriote (TJ 19/7/1900:7) / It was to stop betting activities and gambling establishments and to manage, or abolish, places of unrest and billiard rooms.

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See also petipeti

3. (loan) (noun) gambling.

Ko te rite o ētahi tāngata kei te tamariki, kāore i te mōhio he mahi tino kino, tino tūtūā, te purei moni (TP 8/1906:1). / Some people are like children, not knowing that gambling is a very bad, very vulgar pursuit.

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pūtea moni

1. (loan) (noun) sum of money, fund, account.

E kī ana ia ka nui te moni kei Niu Tīreni. Kei te puhake ngā pūtea moni katoa o te motu (TTT 1/8/1929: 1037). / He is saying that New Zealand has plenty of money. All the country's accounts are full to overflowing.

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Synonyms: kaute, kōrero, whakamārama, pire

whakahokinga moni

1. (loan) (noun) refund.

kaiwhakarato moni

1. (loan) (noun) investor.

kaitaupua moni

1. (loan) (noun) pawnbroker.

He mea tuku atu nei e Niniwa aua taonga rā ki te kaitaupua moni, hei punga mō te moni whakatārewa (TTR 2000:26). / Niniwa gave those heirlooms to the pawnbroker as collateral for loans.

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moni whakatupu

1. (loan) (noun) interest (financial).

Kei whakatārewa kei tētahi mea ki tōu teina hei mea whakatupu; hei moni whakatupu, hei kai whakatupu, i tētahi rānei o ngā mea e whakatārewaina ana hei whakatupu (PT Tiuteronomi 23:19). / You shall not charge interest to your brother - interest on money or food or anything that is lent out at interest.

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moni pūkoro

1. (loan) (noun) pocket money, allowance.

Hoatu ai te kuia i ngā moni pūkoro ki ana mokopuna tokorua i ia wiki, i ia wiki. / Each week the elderly woman gives pocket money to her two grandchildren.

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mīhini moni

1. (loan) (noun) money machine, ATM (automated teller machine).

moni rēhita

1. (loan) (noun) registration fee.

Me utu te moni rēhita, ā me rēhita te kurī ki te Tari o te Kaunihera, ki ngā tāngata rānei e whakamanaia ana i raro i te hīri o te Kaunihera hei kohi i taua moni (TP 1/5/1902:7). / The registration fee should be paid and the dog must be registered at the Council Office or with the people who have been given authority under the seal of the Council to collect that fee.

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moni takoha

1. (loan) (noun) monetary contribution, duty, taxation.

Me whakaatu hoki ia he nui ngā moni a aua Pākehā i whakapaua hei whakaora i taua whenua a ngā Māori rā, he moni takoha ētahi, he moni kohikohi nā rātou ētahi o aua moni (TWMNT 9/1/1877:13). / He would further note that those Pākehā have gone to considerable expense in the shape of taxation and private subscriptions, in order to preserve that land.

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moni āwhina

1. (loan) (noun) financial assistance, subsidy.

Nāwai rā tukua mai ana e te Tari Māori te moni āwhina hei whakatū i ngā whare hou e waru ki Te Oreore (TTR 2000:77). / After a time the Department of Māori Affairs provided financial assistance to erect eight new houses at Te Ore Ore.

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kaituku moni

1. (loan) (noun) depositor, financier, creditor, investor.

Ko ia tētahi kaituku moni āwhina ki Parihaka ki te kāinga o Tohu me Te Whiti (TTR 1994:80). / He was a financier helping Parihaka, Te Whiti and Tohu's settlement.

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moni whakaranea

1. (loan) (noun) interest (financial).

E tuku mai ana te Pēke i ngā moni whakatakoto, ā, e whakaaetia ana e ia te moni whakaranea i runga i ēnei tikanga: He moni whakatūturu mō ngā marama 12 - 5% mō te tau (KO 15/5/1883:9). / The Bank is allowing deposits and has approved interest on these terms: Principal for 12 months - 5% per annum.

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moni kuhu

1. (loan) (noun) deposit (a sum of money).

Ko tā te ripanga kaute, he whakarārangi i ngā moni tango me ngā moni kuhu o tētahi pūtea pēke, me te whakaatu anō i te tapeke pūtea (TRP 2010:215). / The purpose of a balance sheet is to list the withdrawals and deposits of a bank account, and to show the account balance.

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moni tango

1. (noun) debit, withdrawal.

Ko tā te ripanga kaute, he whakarārangi i ngā moni tango me ngā moni kuhu o tētahi pūtea pēke, me te whakaatu anō i te tapeke pūtea (TRP 2010:215). / The purpose of a balance sheet is to list the withdrawals and deposits of a bank account, and to show the account balance.

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