purei moni
1. (loan) (verb) to gamble, bet, have a flutter, punt, wager.
Synonyms: waka kōporo, peti, petipeti
2. (loan) (modifier) gambling, betting.
Hei whakamutu i ngā mahi purei moni me ngā whare purei, ā, hei whakahaere, hei whakakore rānei, i ngā whare tutū, me ngā rūma piriote (TJ 19/7/1900:7) / It was to stop betting activities and gambling establishments and to manage, or abolish, places of unrest and billiard rooms.
See also petipeti
3. (loan) (noun) gambling.
Ko te rite o ētahi tāngata kei te tamariki, kāore i te mōhio he mahi tino kino, tino tūtūā, te purei moni (TP 8/1906:1). / Some people are like children, not knowing that gambling is a very bad, very vulgar pursuit.