



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (loan) (modifier) whale.

Nō waenga o Mei, 1830, kotahi tekau mā tahi rātou i oma mai i Norfolk Island, i tae rātou i te poti patu weira... (TKM 19/1/1849:2). / In the middle of May, 1830, eleven men made their escape from Norfolk Island, arriving by whale boat...

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1. (loan) (noun) whale.

(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 1-28; Te Māhuri Study Guide (Ed. 1): 1-3;)

Kua tae mai ki a mātou te reta a Tamihana Te Waitatakina, o te 27 o Hānuere, e whakaatu mai ana, ka nui te wēra o tēnei tau (TW 12/2/1875:9). / We have received the letter of Thompson Waitatakina of 27th January, informing us of the abundance of whales this season.

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ika moana

1. (noun) whale - a general term.

Ka kitea te ika moana e pae ana i uta (W 1971:76). / The whale was found stranded on the shore.

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ngohi moana

1. (noun) whale - a general term.

Ko ētahi o ngā iwi o ēnei wāhi e kī ana he tupuna te tangata nei nō rātou, ā, e whakahua ana i te whakataukī i roto i te ngākau hīhī, 'Ānō te mahi a Paikea, te tangata i whakaahua nei i a ia, ki te ngohi moana!' (MM.TKM 3-4/1855:32). / Some of the tribes of these parts say that this man is an ancestor of theirs, and proudly quote the proverb, 'Behold the work of Paikea, the man who transformed himself into a whale!'

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See also ika moana


1. (noun) some marine creature; possibly a whale.


1. (noun) sperm whale, Physeter macrocephalus - a toothed whale with a massive head and narrow lower jaw, typically feeding at great depths on squid. It grows to 18 m. Also used as a general term for whales.

(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 1-7;)

Ko Ureia he ika tonu, he ika nunui atu i te parāoa, i ētahi wā, i iti iho i ētahi (JPS 1946:30). / Ureia was actually a fish, a fish larger than whales of some species and smaller than some others.

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See also pāmu wēra

Synonyms: pāmu wēra

2. (noun) whalebone.

Ka nanao a ia ki tana patu parāoa, ka ākina ngā pane o te hoariri, mate rawa (Te Ara 2012). / He reached for his whalebone club and smashed the heads of the enemy, killing them.

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3. (noun) whalebone weapon.

He tōpuni te kahu, he parāoa te rākau (NM 1928:87). / The cloak was a dogskin cloak of dark hair with white borders and the weapon a whalebone club.

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1. (noun) scamperdown whale, Gray's beaked whale, Mesoplodon grayi - a small, slender, beaked and toothed whale regularly stranded on Aotearoa/New Zealand beaches.

Synonyms: iheihe


1. (noun) whale, minke whale, Balaenoptera acutorostrata - a small whale with a dark grey back and white underparts.

(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 6;)

I te mutunga o āna mahi manawa kai tūtae e tere ana i ngā moana o te ao, ka noho ia ki uta i te tau 1830, ki te teihana hopu pakake a Jacky Guard i Te Awaiti (TTR 1994:23). / After his adventurous occupation sailing the oceans of the world, in 1830 he lived ashore at Jacky Guard's Te Awaiti shore whaling station.

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Synonyms: pakaka


1. (noun) freshwater mussel, Hyridella menziesi - a bivalve mollusc which lives in fine mud or sand in freshwater lakes, ponds, streams and rivers. Has a dark, olive-brown coated shell and the inside is grayish-white.

Tōna maunga ko Ngongotahā, te moana ko Rotorua, ngā ika o roto he kōura, he kākahi, he īnanga (H 1992:50). / His mountain is Ngongotahā, the lake is Rotorua and the fish in it are crayfish, freshwater mussels and whitebait.

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2. (noun) whale, orca, killer whale, Orcinus orca - a large, black-and-white dolphin with a tall, vertical, sharply triangular dorsal fin in the male and shorter, slightly hooked fin in the female. Because of the orca's sophisticated hunting techniques and intelligence, chiefs were sometimes likened to kākahi, as in the second example below.

Ko te kākahi i te waiata nei mō te tohorā (M 2004:232). / The term 'kākahi' in this song refers to the whale.
Te kākahi whakairoiro o te moana (W 1971:80). / The mottled orca of the sea.

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See also maki

Synonyms: maki, kera wēra

3. (noun) mist, haze.

Ki a Te Ātiawa ko te kākahi, ko te kōrehurehu i runga i te moana āio; hei te rangi ātaahua ka āhua auahi mai i runga o te moana (M 2004:232). / To Te Ātiawa the 'kākahi' is the haze on the calm sea which is seen on fine days and looks a little like smoke on the sea.

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Synonyms: kōnenehu, haumāringiringi, tuarehu, waikohu, tūkōrehu, pūnehu, kōnehunehu, pūnehunehu, pūkohu, pūnenehu, kōnenehu, tārehu, tuarehu, waikohu, pūrehu, kohu, rehu, haumaringi, au, tākohu


1. (noun) whale - often used as a general term, particularly for baleen whales.

Nāwai ā, ka kitea e te iwi o te kāinga; ka kīia he tohorā, ā, nō te tatanga atu ka mātauria mai he wahine (JPS 1911:87). / After a while she was seen by the people of the place, who said she was a whale, but when they were near to her they found it was a woman.

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2. (noun) southern right whale, Eubalaena australis - a baleen whale with a large head and curved jaw found in temperate waters.

(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 2; Te Māhuri Audio Tapes/CDs (Ed. 2): exercises 1-3;)

Ka ahiahi ka kite rāua i tētahi tohorā, ko te upoko i mā, e mānu haere ana i te taha o tō rāua poti, mōhio tonu ake rāua he raiti wēra (TP 10/1902:10). / When it was evening they saw a whale and its head was white and it was floating along beside their boat, so they knew that it was a right whale.

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See also kewa


1. (noun) whale, minke whale, Balaenoptera acutorostrata - a small whale with a dark grey back and white underparts.

See also pakake

Synonyms: pakake


1. (noun) whale, southern right whale, Eubalaena australis - a baleen whale with a large head and curved jaw found in temperate waters.

(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 2; Te Māhuri Audio Tapes/CDs (Ed. 2): Exercises 1-3;)

Ka karakia a Nukutawhiti ki te moana, kia mauria mai he tohoraha mō te kawanga o tōna whare (TWK 4:20). / Nukutawhiti chanted a ritual chant to the ocean to bring a whale for the ceremonial opening of his house.

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See also tohorā


1. (noun) humpback whale, Megaptera novaeangliae - the most abundant large whale of Aotearoa/New Zealand. It is a baleen whale growing to 16 m long and has large knobby-edged flippers up to 4 m long.

(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 4;)

Ko te paikea me te parāoa ka hopukina i ēnei wā (Te Ara 1912). / The humpback and sperm whales were caught during these seasons.

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See also hamupēke

raiti wēra

1. (loan) (noun) right whale, southern right whale, Eubalaena australis.

Ka ahiahi ka kite rāua i tētahi tohorā, ko te upoko i mā, e mānu haere ana i te taha o tō rāua poti, mōhio tonu ake rāua he raiti wēra (TP 10/1902:10). / When it was evening they saw a whale and its head was white and it was floating along beside their boat, so they knew that it was a right whale.

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1. (noun) leader of a school of whales, personification of whales.

Kei Te Māhia he mauri nō Tūtarakauika, arā nō te wēra, he māpou (TP 10/1912:7). / At Te Māhia is a mauri of Tūtarakauika, that is of whales, and it is a māpou tree.

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2. (noun) southern right whale, Eubalaena australis - a baleen whale with a large head and curved jaw found in temperate waters.


1. (noun) long-finned pilot whale, blackfish, Globicephala melas - a toothed whale with black skin, a grey, anchor-shaped marking on the chin and a square, bulbous head. Moves about in large schools, often stranding on beaches.

(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 21;)

2. (noun) Hector's dolphin, Cephalorhynchus hectori - a rare patterned black, pale grey and white dolphin with a small rounded fin. Distinguished from the common dolphin by its shorter beak.

See also tūpoupou


1. (noun) southern right whale, tohorā, Eubalaena australis - a baleen whale with a large head and curved jaw found in temperate waters.

Ka rokona e rātau ki te papā i waho i te moana, whēnā me te pū nā te papā. Ka mahara rātau he peke kewa e papaki ana i te moana (JPS 1901:89). / They heard a loud report out at sea, like that of a gun. They thought it was a whale flipper slapping the water.

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1. (noun) scamperdown (Gray's beaked) whale, Mesoplodon grayi - a small, slender, beaked and toothed whale regularly stranded on Aotearoa/New Zealand beaches.

See also hakurā

Synonyms: hakurā


1. (loan) (noun) pilot whale, blackfish, Globicephala melas - a toothed whale with black skin, a grey, anchor-shaped marking on the chin and a square bulbous head.

(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 21;)

I mate te iwi mātanga i te kainga i te pikitara, arā, rongomoana, ki te Pākehā he parakipīhi (TP 4/1906:6). / The clever people were sick from eating the pikitara, that is, rongomoana, or as the Pākehā say, pilot whale.

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See also upokohue

Synonyms: upokohue


1. (noun) calf of a whale, whale calf.

Nā, ka tae mai a Kae kāore he kīnaki kai mā te tohunga nei, ka tonoa a Tutunui he pakake, ka tangohia mai te miha pakake, te kuao a Tutunui, ka patua hei kai mā Kae (JPS 1928:269). / Now, when Kae arrived there happened to be no choice food for him, and so Tutunui was summoned, and the whale calf, the young of Tutunui, was killed as food for Kae.

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2. (noun) young fronds of rarauhe (bracken fern).

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