1. (verb) (-ia,-tia) to tie in a bundle.
Kātahi ka takaia e ia he huruhuru hei horoinga mō te māngai o te tūroro, mōkī rawa, arā pūpū rawa, paihere rawa (W 1971:207). / Then she wrapped up some feathers to wash the patient's mouth, tying them in a bundle, that is they were made into a bundle and bound tightly.
2. (noun) raft made of bundles of raupō, flax stalks or rushes. Also known as mōkihi.
I mahia mai te mōkihi, te mōkī rānei i te raupō me te harakeke (Te Ara 2011). / Rafts were made of raupō and flax.
See also mōkihi
1. (noun) fragrant fern, Microsorum scandens - scrambling or climbing fern with a wiry, rambling stem. The dull, thin fronds are strap-like when young, becoming deeply lobed into up to 20 pairs of leaflets. Common in forest or on trees, rocks or damp ground. Traditionally used for scenting oil.
1. (noun) red moki, Cheilodactylus spectabilis - a fish marked with eight reddish-brown vertical bands, paler reddish bands between. Deep and compressed body with moderate-sized head and small eyes. Lips thick and fleshy. Found around the coast of the North Island and inhabits brocken rocky reefs at depths of 1-54 m.
1. (noun) red moki, Cheilodactylus spectabilis - a fish marked with eight reddish-brown vertical bands, paler reddish bands between. Deep and compressed body with moderate-sized head and small eyes. Lips thick and fleshy. Found around the coast of the North Island and inhabits broken rocky reefs at depths of 1-54 m.
2. (noun) red moki, Cheilodactylus spectabilis - a fish marked with eight reddish-brown vertical bands, paler reddish bands between. Deep and compressed body with moderate-sized head and small eyes. Lips thick and fleshy. Found around the coast of the North Island and inhabits broken rocky reefs at depths of 1-54 m.
Ki te āhua pēhi te tāmure, te nguture, te tarakihi i te mōunu, ki te āhua tākiri rānei te kaikai mai a te kahawai me te tarakihi, he tohu pai katoa ēnei mō āpōpō (WT 2013:29). / If snapper, red moki and tarakihi apply weight and downwards pressure to the bait, or if the nibbling of the kahawai and tarakihi is quite earnest, these are all good signs for tomorrow.
1. (noun) red moki, Cheilodactylus spectabilis - a fish marked with eight reddish-brown vertical bands, paler reddish bands between. Deep and compressed body with moderate-sized head and small eyes. Lips thick and fleshy. Found around the coast of the North Island and inhabits brocken rocky reefs at depths of 1-54 m.
1. (noun) red moki, Cheilodactylus spectabilis - a fish marked with eight reddish-brown vertical bands, paler reddish bands between. Deep and compressed body with moderate-sized head and small eyes. Lips thick and fleshy. Found around the coast of the North Island and inhabits brocken rocky reefs at depths of 1-54 m.