1. (verb) (-tia) to look down on, criticize negatively, denigrate, disparage, deride.
Pērā i ngā mea o runga ake nei, he whakautu tēnei e whakatakē ana, e whakahē ana i te tangata (HKK 1999:89). / Like the ones above, this is a response that belittles and criticises.
Synonyms: whakaiti
2. (modifier) disparaging, belittling, mocking, ridiculing, denigrating, sneering, critical.
He wā anō ka whakamahia i runga i te wairua whakatakē (HKK 1999:113). / At other times it is used in a disparaging way.
Synonyms: hangareka, whakarōriki, pūhohe, tāwai, whakaparahako
3. (noun) negative criticism, disparagement, denigration, disapproval.
Anei tonu e hoe nei ahakoa pariparitia mai e ngā tai o whakatakē, o whakaparanga, o mihi, o whakamiha, koianei katoa hoki ngā āhuatanga ka pā ki te whakahaere Māori ahakoa he aha te kaupapa i whakatūria ai (HM 4/1997:1). / Here we are still paddling despite being inundated by the tides of negative criticism, insincerity, acknowledgement and appreciation, but those are all aspects that affect Māori endeavours whatever they are.