1. (verb) (-hia,-ngia,-tia) to change, alter (position), edit, amend, modify, reorganise.
I whakahaua a ia kia whakaaetia ngā tikanga o tana tari matua kia whakarerekētia, engari, kore ana e whakaaetia ngā kaute e te tumuaki me te kaitātari kaute matua (TTR 1996:109). / He was ordered to accept a reorganisation of his head office, but the controller and auditor general refused to pass the accounts.
Synonyms: takahurihuri
2. (modifier) altering, changing, varying, reorganising, modifying, amending, editing.
Ko te āhua nei he mea whakaohooho a Tumutara me ōna hoa o tōna ake rōpū, ki te whakahaere tikanga whakarerekē atu, nā te aranga ake o ētahi atu tohunga (TTR 1998:230). / It would seem that Tumutara and his friends of his party were stirred into organising change by the rise of various tohunga.
3. (noun) altering, changing, varying, alteration, change, variation, modification, reorganisation.
Ko ahau hoki i mea kaua e hohoro te whakarerekē i ngā ture (TPH 30/5/1901:3). / I also said not to be hasty in changing the laws.