1. (verb) (-ngia,-a,-hia,-tia) to stick, fasten, remain close to, keep close, keep watertight, paste.
Ka ngangautia e ia kia ngāwari, kia pakupaku, ka āta whakapiritia ki te mamae, hāware katoa atu nō te mea he pai tonu hoki te hāware mō te whakaora (HP 1991:23). / She chewed it until it was soft and small and carefully applied it to the sore part. It had saliva throughout because saliva is quite good for healing.
2. (verb) to define one's relationship and position with someone using whakapapa.
Arā kē te mokopuna tika a Tamahau ko Maata nō te mea ko tā rāua mokopuna tērā ko Hikawera, arā kē te tamāhine tūturu a Tamahau ko Hōriana, ko au i whakapiri noa atu i tōku whakapapa ki te taha o Tamahau (TPH 31/12/1903:3). / The correct grandchild of Tamahau is Martha because Hikawera is their grandchild and the real daughter of Tamahau was Hōriana, I established my relationship in my whakapapa with Tamahau's side.
3. (modifier) closely associated.
I whakatūria anō e Rīpeka me ētahi atu wāhine rangatira, tētahi rōpū whakapiri, arā, ko Te Rōpū Māori Girls' Club (TTR 1996:76). / Rīpeka and some other leading women set up an association called Te Rōpū Māori Girls' Club.
4. (noun) close association.
Na, nō muri ka whakapaengia nā tōna whakapiri pea ki ngā Wēteriana i whai ai ia i te ngāwari (TTR 1990:66). / Later it was claimed that perhaps it was because of close association with the Wesleyans that he pursued an accommodation.