1. (verb) (-hia,-tia) to strengthen, mature (of people), develop.
He pai tēnei mahi mōku he whakapakari i taku tinana hai hāpai i ngā mea taumaha ā tōna wā (HP 1991:27). / This activity was good for me to strengthen my body to lift heavy things in the future.
Synonyms: taipakeke
2. (modifier) developing, strengthening, perfecting, refining.
Hau ana te rongo o āna mahi whakapakari kaipakihi, ahu whenua hoki i Ōeo (TTR 1994:158). / He was renowned for his business and land development at Ōeo.
Synonyms: whakahuatau
3. (noun) refinement, strengthening, polishing, perfecting, refining, developing.
Ko te mahi tuatahi ki te hunga manako ki te whakatakoto whaikōrero rerehua nei, ko te whakapakari i te reo Māori (Rewi 2005:51). / The first task for the people wanting to present eloquent oratory is the refinement of their Māori language.
Synonyms: whakapai ake