1. (verb) (-tia) to make much of, show great attention to, dote on, treat.
He mate repe whakatupu anō tana mate, ā, e hia tau kē nei, ia toru marama, me haere atu i Kaikohe ki Ākarana, whakamaimoa ai (TTR 2000:198). / He also suffered from pituitary gland problems, and for many years travelled from Kaikohe to Auckland every three months for treatment.
Synonyms: whakamiramira
2. (noun) infatuation, obsession.
Ko tōna tikanga hei tiaki tēnei i a ia i ngā whakamaimoa o te tini wāhine e tiro whakamīharo ana ki a ia (TTR 1976:155). / His reason was to protect him against the infatuation of thousands of admiring women.
Synonyms: hemonga