1. (verb) to be abreast, side by side, ranking evenly.
Kāore noa iho i upane te kapa - kūreureu ana tā rātou tū (PK 2008:1033). / The rank is not even - it is out of line.
Synonyms: piritaha
2. (noun) crest (of a hill), terrace (of a hill), knoll.
He mea whakahoki atu a ia ki te kāinga i Hiruhārama, ki te urupā o te whānau, ki Tūrangarāhui, tāpukena ai i te upane whakapūangiangi, e whakakaurera atu rā ki ngā raorao, he mea pāmu rā e tōna whānau (TTR 2000:182). / He was taken home to Hiruhārama, where he is buried at his family cemetery Tūrangarāhui, a windswept knoll overlooking the flats that are farmed by his family.