1. (noun) rifleman, Acanthisitta chloris - Aotearoa/New Zealand's smallest bird, distinguished by its rounded wings, a very short stumpy tail and a fine, slightly upturned bill. The male is bright yellow-green above while the female is streaked dark and light brown and both have whitish underparts. Found in native forests and scrub.
He manu iti noho wao te tītitipounamu, ā, he tino poto ngā hūmaeko. / The rifleman is a small bird that inhabits the forest and it has very short tail feathers.
Synonyms: toirua, piripiri, kotikotipa, kōtipatipa, kōtitititi, mōutuutu, muhumuhu, titipounamu, tokepiripiri, kikimutu, momotawai, kōrurerure, tāpahipare, pipiriki, pihipihi, hōutuutu, momoutu, kōhurehure