1. (verb) to be strange, unacquainted, new, exotic, unfamiliar.
I whakatipua ake a Te Aritaua Pītama kia tau ki te kōrero Māori, otirā, i taua wā kua tauhou haere kē te reanga mātātahi o Ngāi Tahu ki te kōrero i tō rātou reo (TTR 2000:149). / Te Aritaua Pitama was brought up to be fluent in speaking Māori, but at that time it was becoming unusual for the younger generation Ngāi Tahu to speak their language.
2. (modifier) strange, unusual, unacquainted, new, exotic, unfamiliar.
He tino mataku kē mātau i te waka nei, he mea tauhou hoki ki a mātau (HP 1991:31). / We were quite scared of this vehicle because it was a strange thing to us.
3. (noun) novice, stranger.
He tauhou rā tātau ki ēnei mahi (TTT 1/11/1925:332). / We are strangers to these activities.
Synonyms: ika tauhou, tangata ihu hūpē, pia, ihu hūpē
4. (noun) silvereye, waxeye, white-eye, Zosterops lateralis lateralis - a small, common, green bird with a conspicuous white eye-ring, olive-green head and upperparts, a grey back and creamy-white underparts with pinkish-brown flanks.
(Te Pihinga Study Guide (Ed. 1): 1;)
See also pihipihi
Synonyms: kanohi mōwhiti, mōtengitengi, pīkaraihe, poporohe, iringatau, whiorangi, hiraka, pihipihi