1. (noun) bramble, lawyer, bush lawyer, Rubus cissoides, Rubus australis, Rubus squarrosus and Rubus schmidelioides - native hook climbers with hand-shaped, toothed leaves and white, heavily scented flowers. Fruit is yellowish-red, shaped like a small blackberry. The branchlets and backs of the leaf stalks are covered in hooked thorns. Found throughout Aotearoa/New Zealand.
Nō tōna kitenga mai ka ngaro koe kei roto i te tātarāmoa i te paewhenua, ka puta tōna aroha, kātahi anō ka tipia te tātarāmoa me te paewhenua (KO 15/12/1884:7). / When he observed that you were lost in the brambles and the dock, he felt compassion and then cut down the brambles and dock.
Synonyms: rōia, akatātarāmoa, taramoa, taraheke, tātaraheke
2. (noun) thistle, Californian thistle, Cirsium arvense.
Ko ngā taru kino e whakamāramatia ana, he tātarāmoa, he kotimana, he taru haunga (TP 11/1908:10). / The noxious weeds are explained as being California thistles, Scotch thistles and fennel.