1. (noun) speargrass, Aciphylla squarrosa and Aciphylla colensoi - plants which provided an exudation used as a scent. The plants have a tuft of spear-like leaves, each up to 1 m long, and a large flower-stalk up to 2 m high, the head of which is covered with long sharp spikes.
Ka tukua ā rātou nei hinu kakara, me ngā remu huia, me ngā hou toroa, me ngā ipu taramea ki te tino rangatira o taua pā nei, o Maungawhau (TAH 44:24). / Their fragrant oils, huia tail-feathers, albatross feathers, and containers of taramea scent were given to the head chief of the pā of Mount Eden.
See also karamea
Synonyms: kurikuri, karamea, tūmatakuru