1. (loan) (verb) (-tia) to register.
Ka kī mai ia, kāore i rēhitatia ō rātou ingoa (TW 23/11/1878:593). / He said to me that their names weren’t registered.
Synonyms: momo reo, pukapuka rēhita, mita, whakatapoko
2. (loan) (modifier) registered, registration.
Kī ana te kaiwhakawā e whai take ana te tangata nāna te kararehe i ngaua e te kurī ki te patu i te kurī rēhita, ā kore rēhita rānei (TJ 19/7/1898:8). / The judge said that the man who owned the animal bitten by the dog had the right to beat the dog whether registered or not.
Synonyms: whakauru, whakaurunga, rēhitatanga
3. (loan) (noun) register.
Ko ngā rēhita me ngā mapi me ngā pukapuka e pā ana ki te mahi a te Poari me tuku ki te Tari Rēhita (TJ 21/6/1900:5). / Registers, maps and documents concerning the Board’s work should be sent to the Registrar’s Office.
4. (loan) (noun) registrar.
E koa ana te 'Tiupiri' mō te tukunga mai a te Rehita Tianara i te pukapuka whakaatu i ngā tikanga katoa e whakahaerea ana i Nui Tīreni i te tau 1899 (TJ 28/9/1899:14). / The 'Jubilee' is happy that the Registrar General has released the Official New Zealand Year Book for 1899.
Synonyms: kairēhita