2. (modifier) thin, not thick, slim.
E toru ngā āhua iwi o taua motu o Rangiātea i taua wā. He kiritea tētahi āhua, he uru kōrito ngā uru o te upoko; he tipu āhua rahirahi te tinana o ētahi: he takupū ētahi, he pai te whakatipu, he poupou te haere, te tū a te tāne, a ngā wahine hoki (JPS 1913:177). / There were three different kinds of people in Rangi-ātea at that time. One was fair skinned with flaxen hair, others were of a somewhat slim build; and others were short but well built, and both men and women walked with an upright stance.
Synonyms: pīrahirahi
3. (modifier) quick in hearing, attentive, sensitive.
Ngāti Pāoa taringa rahirahi (NP 2001:333). / Ngāti Pāoa have sensitive ears (i.e. they are sensitive to insults).
Synonyms: āritarita, hūkokikoki