1. (noun) large traditional flute - the largest of the traditional flutes, usually made of wood and played as a flute or trumpet and between 30 and 60 cm in length.
(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 169, 171;)
Nā, ka tae te mahi, he kū, he pākuru, he tō, he pūtōrino, he kōauau, he tōrehe, he tī papaki ringa, he porotiti, he kaupeka - kāore a Kae i kata (JPS 1928:270). / So they tried playing kū, pākuru, tō, pūtōrino, kōauau, tōrehe, hand-clapping, porotiti, and kaupeka - but Kae did not laugh.
See also tōrino
2. (noun) flute - European instrument of metal or wood having holes along it stopped by fingers or keys and held across the body.
Whakahīhī ana tā mātau whakatangi haere i ā mātau pūtōrino, me te patu i ā mātau pēne e rua (HP 1991:33). / We proudly walked along playing our flutes and beating our two drums.