2. (noun) flute - the largest of the traditional flutes, usually made of wood.
Ko ngā wheua o te hunga maitai i patua nei he mea mahi hei tīrou kai, ā, ko ngā wheua o ngā hūhā he mea mahi hei tōrino, arā, hei rehu (TAH 51:17). / The bones of the foreigners who had been killed were made into forks for picking up food, and the thigh bones were made into flutes.
See also pūtōrino
3. (noun) eardrum.
Ka tōiriiri te tōrino ina pā mai ana he ngaru oro, ā, ka whakawhitia ngā tōiriiri ki te hama (RP 2009:388). / The eardrum vibrates when sound waves strike it and the vibrations are transferred to the malleus.
4. (noun) spiral, twist, helix, corkscrew (shape), coil.
Ko te rauru. He rite tēnei ki te rauponga engari he tōrino kē te āhua. / The rauru carving pattern. This is similar to the rauponga pattern but has a spiral form instead.
5. (noun) hole dug at the tūāhu for purposes of mākutu. Also called rua tōrino.
Ko te rākau a te tohunga he kāramuramu hei ā i te ngarongaro rā ki roto i te tōrino (JPS 1894:169). / The wand used by the tohunga to drive the fly into the tōrino is made of kāramuramu wood.