1. (stative) be grumpy, bad-tempered, angry, volatile, cantankerous, irritable, crabby.
E mea ana a Te Hokena ko te Merenīhia he potopoto, he mangu, he māhunga mingimingi, he pukukino, he kūare, tēnā ko ngā Māori e noho tahi ana rātou he roroa, he ngāwari, he takahoahoa, he kiri mā - ko ētahi rite tonu ki te Pākehā te mā (TP 1/1909:4). / Mr Hogan reports that the Melanesians are shortish, black, have curly hair, are volatile and uneducated, whereas the Māori that they are living with are tall, gentle, friendly and fair-skinned - some are as white as the Pākehā.
2. (modifier) grumpy, bad-tempered, angry, volatile, cantankerous, irritable, crabby.
Ko ngā wāhine pukukino anake e hiahia riri ana ki taua tangata. / Only bad-tempered women want to be angry at that man.