2. (noun) intense darkness, pitch-black.
Haere i te huarahi o ngā Kīngi o ngā Kuīni, me ngā kāwanatanga o te ao, he mea i āta tauiratia mai i ngā whakapaparanga maha o te orokohanganga mai rānō, he huarahi kua tuhera hei hīkoinga atu mō te hunga e heke atu ana ki te pōuriuri, ki te pōtangotango, ā, e kore e hokia mai anō te ao-tūroa (TPH 9/11/1904:12). / Go on the path of the kings and queens and the governments of the world, which was predetermined in the many generations from the beginning, a path has been opened for the people descending into darkness, into the intense darkness and from which there is no returning to this world.
Synonyms: tuauriuri